Thursday, December 29, 2016

Poem # 50 Time will Tell

 There are no give a ways
 Miracles can depart and connect
Throw you down the wind
Chase you through a curb
Your running down the street
but your walking through the healing path
Learning everyday lesson through time
hoping for the best
Your time will come
and grow like flower

Monday, December 26, 2016

Poem#49 A Bad Person

A dark person
A strange form of miscommunication
misleading lie
full of despair and agony
surrounded by exceptions
and misbeleives
she stands in ice
crawling on the ground
freezing cold
her body surrounded by fear
her nails are black
she can barely feel them
numbness is in control

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Poem #48 Calm Jealousy

The feeling is overriding
but smooth at the same time
Its hurts,grasp 
down to steal my very single breath
but still feels good
Happiness is purple, red and yellow for me 
but anger is on the other side of me
I want to be the best 
but at the same time I know iam not
I know iam part of the strawberry that is sweet but not the best
I know why
I do 
Iam learning to be in control  this demon 
that bites me with hope and fear
But iam still happy,not crying 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Poem #47- An Empty Cage

Burning in hell the egg riots into pieces
Does it have permission to nod or speak?
Or can it just lay there and be taken away
By a hurricane that has big wave
 and that is bright blue.
The black cage is getting closer
Getting ready to be eaten up
by a bird

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Poem#46 Its just to bad

Its just to bad that you are not here
and all that iam surrounded by are holes that keep destroying me 
Sometimes it feels like iam breathing fire
that burns down into me
giving me fear and energy 
to carry my self on bars of steel and metal
A voice asks me 
are you afrid to fall?
I shout No No 
I can still surive

Poem #45 No Need To be Ashamed

Feelings are like birds flying around
they play hide an seek or choose to play catch
and expect you to get the ball
If missed the ball goes far away and you loose control
turing into a black cloud that is not yet determined
It pours white rain down into the stream full of poeple
you are alone faced by horror
one tear drops down
treaming and despair
next one comes down
and wets your face to become into a striaght ruler

Monday, August 8, 2016

Poem #44 A Hearts Angel

Welcome to this sweet and worderful world
were pople smile, work hard and dream
A are a great miricale that was sent here!
May you be the light and hope and a bright star
for your parents and people who meet you!
Your face says it all
you are gentle, smart and curious
which are all good things to inhert!
You remind me of a  beautiful rose
blossoms every single day
Like the sun, your are brave and ready to give
all you got!
May you contue to grow in something great and powerful!
thats my wish to you!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Poem #43 Right Through The Window

Don't have a seat belt on
They hit us!
It was a big one
I flew right into the front glass
And broke it with my head
Bleeding badly
Blood flowing down my face
From the scratches
As my face went through the window
I heard the little pieces of glass say the
World is a blessing
Face down I reached the floor
My life flashed before my eyes in white flashes
I was brave than ever
I stepped on one knee
My bones were gone
But I still got up and looked forward toward the world

Friday, July 29, 2016

Poem#42 A Bolt Shot In The Head

Its time to be free; its time to spin; and triwl
I have the space to transform and be something new
Iam dizzy; I feel like iam fainting
My system is shuting down
I cant feel anything any more
Did I ever exist?
My eyes open
I see another bright future waiting for me
I run to it and go inside of it
and all I see is beauty

Poem#41 Green lights

Its flashing on the surface
Brightness surrounds it
The stop light keeps going from left and right
The cars that see it get confused; they don't know whether they should stop or go.
The cars just decide to not pay attention and keep going
 suddenly the green light is focused on the bright and you car
  its stares at its driver
  making the driver see its color
 and realize that it is more than just a light
  it keeps the earth protected from the bad
    and saves the universe

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Poem# 40 Acceptance

Deep now in a humans soul
There is a black dot.
A black dot that is deep and huge
Its surrounds our insides
Like oranges in a big tight circle
Holding on to each others hands
That black hole eventually explodes
And all that is left is pieces of it
The pieces have to learn have to reattach own or slowly disappear.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Poem#39 Fumed Face

Clear but visable
Hot but sweet
It doesn't burn
It doesn't bite
Its like air up to the sky
My nose can smell its power and control
No this fume is not wasted
But is extraordinary
Caming, deep and different
It makes me think about what it would be like to sit on fire and never get destroyed!

Friday, July 15, 2016

Poem#38 I Promise

I promise I won't hurry
I promise I won't look hurt
I promise that I would walk again
And take hold if myself again
The time has come for me to earse the yellow stain that I've created
And surprise myself with happiness
Butterflies are grown to forgive and love
And fly high to the mountain where we can rule the world

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Poem #37 You

No perfect here
Not scard to show and walk
My tongue speaks every truth
Iam flowing like a feather
Never landing
In the air
I wave my hands
And wiggle my legs
My shirt and shorts are like flying like a bird.
The air is still holding me
I think I might be headed to outer space
I got there
And sat on Planet Earth
Very welcoming Earth was nice and helpful
I will stay there
To continue my happiness

Poem # 36 Look Back

A summer soul is what we need
A place to go and be cool and chill
A place to decompose and set free
Feel the water on your skin and face and hair
Turn around and see beautiful nature
And have the wind come on your face for refreshment
This is a place were you can drink water and be satisfied.
A place were the heat is felt but one doesn't sweat
Because it has no time to
It is always on the move and runing
This place is heaven
Were the sky is white and cossy
A place that will never be empty

Friday, July 1, 2016

Poem# 34 Forgiveness

Empty space and surroundings
I have made my mistakes and over looked them
How many times can I be cruel to my self
My mouth speakes forgives
My heart has forgiven me
You forgiven me
But I am still lost in the battles emotions that don't let go
They destroy me inside and out
I can feel it physically
I will learn how to fight, live and move on!

Poem#33 Reflection

Your picture is like stain glass
Its with me where ever I go
Even a hurricane with its power can't earse it
The sun and the sky already know your image.
They say that is unique like DNA
A million of faces can't block its view
You are deep and pure like the streams we swim in
I can even can sing and memorize every feature of your face
I will make sure that it will last for ever and ever and always

Monday, June 20, 2016

Poem#32 The Perfect Glow

Surrounded by colorful hands
deep as yellow and orange
going around my body and head
It feels electric!
Iam getting shocked 
by so many people
I love thier affection!
We care about you
they shout and scream
Do you hear? 
please dont go!
dont leave me!!!!
we wont
and they go inside my heart 
and disapear\
They live there forever!
Glowing Glowing 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Poem #31 The Life Style

                                                   Yes I have to admit its a square
                                                    no its a triangle that has 3 sides
                                                    were it can have a good side; a ;medium side;
                                                     and a wonderful side that everyones craving
                                                   Can it be a rectangle it spins round from one corner to the other
                                                     Wait Wait
                                                     I think it can be trapezoid that keeps you in one place
                                                      Oh yes it is a hexagon that sits with 8 fingers to take control back                                                          and forth

Poem#30!! To Tropical

                                                  The day is just to innecent 
                                                   Time is tiking round and round
                                                   The sun is shinning 
                                                    What more is there to ask for?
                                                     Oh Yeah!
                                                     I would like to see more 
                                                     Palm trees with mangos and strawberries
                                                      and a waterslide going down the hill
                                                        I would jump into it and scream hooray!!!
                                                         All soaked the dessert would me my 
                                                           next stop to drink coconut juice and
                                                          lay on the heated soil and dream and dream

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Poem#29 Too Sensitive

Water going drip drip drop on the ceiling
Turning into nothing as it goes down
All you see are water stains everywhere
Drawing an invisible picture
Of a forest
A alive forest
That has fingers and legs trying to sprout
It has a heart that fears and hurts when needed.
the forest crys and wonders if she can be more than just a forest
A forest that is numb
And has no feelings
Feels no pain and worry like a robot
That is only smart and focused
But that is not reality
That's only a fantasy
In the forest mind
Its OK to be human
Surrounded by feelings of all kind
That's what makes us special!

Poem#28 Miss Lady

Wondering the hallway
There is her with the pink and white
Shaped like an oval
Her eyes are sparkling
Blue and white glitter
Her nose is as beautiful as ever
Her lips are red as a cherry
Her hair is dark brown
That is just like coffee!
That smile that she has can make the sky fall!
She walks as a model clear and certain
No matter what she has going on inside
She is still a sweet chocolate chip!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Poem #27 Embrace The Voice

A voice is a sound that is one of a kind 
young and pure
hot and cold 
Its like a breeze that passes by
carrying fresh air with it
Yes! Iam breathing oxygen it says
I can survive 
Its sound takes over everything
the whole world
when its quit 
it turns into a shell that is 
stuck in its treasure box
Live long the voices that are around us!

Poem #26 You Know Its Still Hurts

                                      As I walk on by I see the shadow
                                       hiding down below the ground
                                       Screwing down the weeds and the soil
                                        It dig a hole a deep hole
                                        and left nothing inside it
                                             It empty long gone
                                         Wood and rocks are needed to fill it
                                           but now its just doing its own thing
                                             Just day draming untill it finds its home
                                               it will just soon enough just wait!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Poem #25 Pass Right Through Me

Wind oh wind
You are here today
Give me strength
Go through my heart
Cure it from its battle
Run through my skin
Show me how soft and loving you are!
Wind oh wind
Iam glad to know
You are no stranger
Run past my eyes
And show me inner light of the sun
Go past me neck and give me your warmth
Cherish me along the way!
Give my legs the power they never had before
Just be there for me and never leave

Poem#24 Our Panther Life

Its been years
Its been a long ride
We've fallen down and up the stairs
hurt one other
But we still had the courage to raise up to the towers
And roar
loud enough for every human being to hear
We walked on all fours around the forest searching for our destiny
And managed to catch it with power
As a group we gather
Strong and fierce
Mighty and tall
To face the earth and all above
Together we can over come anything
Through spirit and emotion
And gravity holding us apart
Face to face we stand
Ready to go
But not say good bye
Forever we will last and guide each other
Through this phase
We are panthers for ever and ever

Friday, May 27, 2016

Poem #23 Labeling

Lets face reality
you are you
they are they
big or small
medium or large
we all are human 
and thin as ice
little as a button
Labeling is not the truth 
 The truth is that 
The matchstick needs to be the way it 
is to let fire come out

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Poem #22 Fasten your Seat Belt

Like a motorcyle I can be fast
have brakes that are made of steel
have a small hard seat
Dangrous  and out of contol
rule the world with out no one catching me!
run weels
dont stop moving
even if you are driving crazy
and might forsee an accient 
you deserve everything and anything!
Wear your helmat like a crown!

Poem # 21 A Million Of Roses

                                                       Look at all the miricales on the table
                                                      siting right in front of my picture
                                                       My Face is not lonely 
                                                          Its soft and creamy
                                                          like a pack of marshmallows
                                                           Oh life how sweet you are
                                                                        I control me
                                                                        I control me
                                                                          not you!
                                                                    Millions bucks iam
                                                                    Even a choclate chip muffin
                                                                   that is ready to be eaten
                                                                                  eat me
                                                                                  eat me
                                                                         I will be in a vase blooming!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Peom #20 Cold Fever

Warm and freezing at the same time
It feels like an igloo just crushed on top of me!
Colden me inside and out
Rushing up and down like a hurricane it steps in and out.
Its brings with the hot chocolate of my dreams
And let's me taste with its big hand
Hot and cold
My cup of marshmallows are running out
Melting on my body.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Poem #19 Lost

 Lost lost lost lost
Its time to refocus
And regain pride
Lost in the woods
Tied up tight with a rope
I barley can move and shake my legs!
Someone help me!
its night time and the owls are starting to come out!
Calling WO
That's the sign
I will push myself out of this
And flow down the sidewalk!

Poem #18 Readiness

Readiness is a hard term to decribe
To me it sounds like the the color red and the word needy.
which is sorta true because it captures you when it needs you or can brighten and sadden sadden you!
Very mighty isn't it
Its sword is very powerful
Giving you a deep or soft cut
It can sting you hard in the neck like a bee
But it is your choose to succeed and fail
It may be hard; time is an essence
you have to except and rewind the  consequences
To sweet soil at the end!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Poem#17 What is a Disability?(or in my own words a Problem)

                 What Does being born in this world mean?
                   It means that a wonderful vaule was made 
                    Having its own strengh and weakness
               A different colored charm that will bring prespective
                     and disire!
             A bueatiful butterfuly that will slowly learn in its cocone 
              It will grow and grow into being the largest butterfuly 
               ever made!
                But it only has one issue
                 Its missing a wing 
                  It wasnt born with one
                 With help given it will learn how to accept reality 
                  Its thankful that it is alive and chould hear, see and eat
                   like every like every other butterfuly but has
                       its own purpose of being who he is!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Peom#16 Shadows inside of you

It feels so numb and cold
Like frozen ice
Even hot water can't melt it
Its stuck as a cube forever
It feels like a broken pencil
That can't write no more
Its sore like the bump in my heart
When if opens red and black paint come out
I try to whipe it off but it won't go away
It is Sharpe like a knife
Holding me tight like a pillow
I guess I will it will be like that for now
Time will tell

Poem #15 The world of a Mother

A mother is tastes like honey
A mother feels like soft fur
A mother hears baby noices and calms its outer and inner voice
A mother is like white diamond glowing in the dark
Shining through her window
A Mother can go up and a hill and never fall back down
A Mother guides her soul in her children
Giving them the strenth of a loin
A Mother knows what is right and wrong
A Mother knows how to be gifted and sentsive.
Last for forever till 120!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Peom # 14 One Person

                                     There is one ground that the human begins walk  on and across
                                      There is one road that gets us to our destination 
                                   There is only one bus comany that oversees the buses in total
                                   We all have the same pure water that flows down our troats 
                                    There is only one river that carrys the living creatures in it
                                       There is only one clock we go by day to day
                                                   Telling us how to live our lives
                          We only have one of each sort of flowers we love to smell and taste 
                             We only have one face that determtines our features 
                                           We have two arms to do things for us 
                                         There are only two legs that are apart of us
                                   We all have our own hair color that makes us diverse 
                                                               Think about it?
                                              No one will ever replace us human beings.
                                                   When everything else will be

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Poem #13 Its OK! Trust Me

       There may be one,two or thousands of us who need security, comfort and belonging.
Don't worry animals, creatures, aliens and  robots need it too.
They also have hearts and characters too!
Even if we get it from one or two people
As long as we get it we can continue to live, fight and grow!
God made us to love one another
Be be there for one another
Hold each other
Have a shoulder to cry on
To laugh with one another
Its OK for wanting to be loved and care about
Its a part of us and what makes us who we are
So don't judge your self
Be grateful for that person, soulmate, or friend!

Poem #12 Photogragh

               There is a time and place
           Where the world can settle down
              And stand straight like a statute
              Waiting for someone to tell them     to  Smile.
           Even tho sometimes we don't feel          like being the one who makes everything right.
But sometimes we can stand spreate from one another.
  Willing to feel the motivation, the power, the grief and the strength of each and everyone of us
nothing will never be like a perfect photograph, it will have its own effect and be how ever it is taken

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Song # 2 Destiny


We all had our moments.
Where we wanted to give up.....
strength is a hard stem to find
Remember that the ocean glows
And we share the same goal
Of bieleve and wonder
Just know that
Destiny will come our wayyy
Destiny will come our wayyyy and show us the down the shore
Destinywill come and guide us
Oh yeah yeahhhah

Fear is a common thing to except
To the  face the empty  walls and voice are like rocks in air
And our souls  are filled with depsair and dispointment.
We carry our joy and happiness in the center of our hearts
The is to take and listen it it it it ittt
Destiny will come our way
Destiny will come our way and show us the shore
Oh destiny
Come as fast as you can and find me!

I will in my room with my golden stick
Ready conquer
Ready to strive
Ready to forgive myself

Destiny came my way
Destiny come wayayyyy
Oh yeah!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Poem #11 Strong heart!


                     My name for photo: Bravery

 A red and white heart is created with passion.
Its filled with honey and sour lemons
Hard and soft it goes up and down
Never stopping.
Into the garden it walks deep down into the flowers and woods
Were nobody can find it
It screams on the top of its lungs
Saying the day has come to face the wonders and mysterys.
I will find my gold
With or with out a chest or a brain guiding me.
I will find a way to capture the seeds
And feed my self.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Song #1 Fighting for Hope ( Getting through aniexty!)

                                                    Hey guys I wanted to share a song with you!
                                                               I wrote this back in november.

                                             When you came, I suddenly lost                                                               control of every-thing 
                       My soul, my mindmy bodyyyy..... 
                                 You been so cruel  
                      Giving me no - space - to breath...... 
                                      No No,- No Nooooo  
                  And now I'm stuck in this blank position......  
                             This position got me stuck   
                             This position got me stuuuuck  
                         This position got me stuck  
                         This position got me stuuuuck  
                                   Slow voice:  
 You disgusted me every - time you give my body pain....... 
                                My soulless, illnessssssss 
                     Just give time to live...... and be freeeeeee 
                          This position got me stuck 
                          This position got me stuuuuck  
                           This position got me stuck  
                           This position got me stuuuuck   
                      Don’t take down to the ruuuu-ins 
                                            Please don’t  

               Now I'm back - stuck in this - blank position........ 
                             This position got me stuck  
                            This position got me stuuuuck 
                           This position got me stuck 
                         This position got me stuuuuck   

                                I'm Fighting for hope 
                              I'm fighting for hoooope.... 


                      One day, you will see meeee be freeeeee 
                                Full of happi-nesssss, Oh Oh  
                                     I'm fighting for hope  
                                   I'm fighting for hoooope (2x) 
                                       I'm unstoppable (2x)  
                                                  Oh Oh