Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Peom # 14 One Person

                                     There is one ground that the human begins walk  on and across
                                      There is one road that gets us to our destination 
                                   There is only one bus comany that oversees the buses in total
                                   We all have the same pure water that flows down our troats 
                                    There is only one river that carrys the living creatures in it
                                       There is only one clock we go by day to day
                                                   Telling us how to live our lives
                          We only have one of each sort of flowers we love to smell and taste 
                             We only have one face that determtines our features 
                                           We have two arms to do things for us 
                                         There are only two legs that are apart of us
                                   We all have our own hair color that makes us diverse 
                                                               Think about it?
                                              No one will ever replace us human beings.
                                                   When everything else will be

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