Monday, May 9, 2016

Poem#17 What is a Disability?(or in my own words a Problem)

                 What Does being born in this world mean?
                   It means that a wonderful vaule was made 
                    Having its own strengh and weakness
               A different colored charm that will bring prespective
                     and disire!
             A bueatiful butterfuly that will slowly learn in its cocone 
              It will grow and grow into being the largest butterfuly 
               ever made!
                But it only has one issue
                 Its missing a wing 
                  It wasnt born with one
                 With help given it will learn how to accept reality 
                  Its thankful that it is alive and chould hear, see and eat
                   like every like every other butterfuly but has
                       its own purpose of being who he is!

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