Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Song #1 Fighting for Hope ( Getting through aniexty!)

                                                    Hey guys I wanted to share a song with you!
                                                               I wrote this back in november.

                                             When you came, I suddenly lost                                                               control of every-thing 
                       My soul, my mindmy bodyyyy..... 
                                 You been so cruel  
                      Giving me no - space - to breath...... 
                                      No No,- No Nooooo  
                  And now I'm stuck in this blank position......  
                             This position got me stuck   
                             This position got me stuuuuck  
                         This position got me stuck  
                         This position got me stuuuuck  
                                   Slow voice:  
 You disgusted me every - time you give my body pain....... 
                                My soulless, illnessssssss 
                     Just give time to live...... and be freeeeeee 
                          This position got me stuck 
                          This position got me stuuuuck  
                           This position got me stuck  
                           This position got me stuuuuck   
                      Don’t take down to the ruuuu-ins 
                                            Please don’t  

               Now I'm back - stuck in this - blank position........ 
                             This position got me stuck  
                            This position got me stuuuuck 
                           This position got me stuck 
                         This position got me stuuuuck   

                                I'm Fighting for hope 
                              I'm fighting for hoooope.... 


                      One day, you will see meeee be freeeeee 
                                Full of happi-nesssss, Oh Oh  
                                     I'm fighting for hope  
                                   I'm fighting for hoooope (2x) 
                                       I'm unstoppable (2x)  
                                                  Oh Oh 

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