Thursday, April 14, 2016

Poem#7 Long-living Terror Equals Hardship

My Name For Photo: Acceptance of oneself!
 Photo Website
                            To worry, or not to worry, that is my preoccupation;
                           Whether it is useful or not,my mind races continuously
                          Back and forth, in circles, and never finds time to rest.
                        The monstrous demons take over my soul, outrageously
                              Commanding me to doubt and torture myself!
                 Sleepless nights are disastrous, making me feel like a zombie.
                       Wide awake but dead, my body rots into little pieces.
             "I could be a leader"; "I could be a loser"; is there even a point?
                   Is this the purpose of being human---to suffer, and 
                   Never enjoy the anticipation of the happy future? 
              From what I have learned so far, I believe my purpose
                Is to face the difficulties of life and become stronger.
                                   When comes the time to die,
             I will struggle to face the consequences of so much worry
                               And not choosing a more grateful path.                                    

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