Saturday, April 9, 2016

Poem # 5 Long Highway

My name for this Photo is: Its Seems far
but it is not!
Photo wesite
 There was once a car
                                                                that sat across the road
waiting for gasoline to
poured into to him so
he could run again
but no one came to
fix his engine that
was empty and broken
The car sat in the dark
crying and crying
letting his tears come out
The tears in his eyes were
flowing like the river.
When he ran out of
tears to cry, he looked
up in his little mirror
inside of him, and told
himself, no more time
is going to be wasted
He pulled himself out of
his small garage, and
went forth his journey
to the gas station
for a fresh new
start, to make 
in time for
where ever he
 needed to be 

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