Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Poem#46 Its just to bad

Its just to bad that you are not here
and all that iam surrounded by are holes that keep destroying me 
Sometimes it feels like iam breathing fire
that burns down into me
giving me fear and energy 
to carry my self on bars of steel and metal
A voice asks me 
are you afrid to fall?
I shout No No 
I can still surive

Poem #45 No Need To be Ashamed

Feelings are like birds flying around
they play hide an seek or choose to play catch
and expect you to get the ball
If missed the ball goes far away and you loose control
turing into a black cloud that is not yet determined
It pours white rain down into the stream full of poeple
you are alone faced by horror
one tear drops down
treaming and despair
next one comes down
and wets your face to become into a striaght ruler

Monday, August 8, 2016

Poem #44 A Hearts Angel

Welcome to this sweet and worderful world
were pople smile, work hard and dream
A are a great miricale that was sent here!
May you be the light and hope and a bright star
for your parents and people who meet you!
Your face says it all
you are gentle, smart and curious
which are all good things to inhert!
You remind me of a  beautiful rose
blossoms every single day
Like the sun, your are brave and ready to give
all you got!
May you contue to grow in something great and powerful!
thats my wish to you!