Sunday, July 31, 2016

Poem #43 Right Through The Window

Don't have a seat belt on
They hit us!
It was a big one
I flew right into the front glass
And broke it with my head
Bleeding badly
Blood flowing down my face
From the scratches
As my face went through the window
I heard the little pieces of glass say the
World is a blessing
Face down I reached the floor
My life flashed before my eyes in white flashes
I was brave than ever
I stepped on one knee
My bones were gone
But I still got up and looked forward toward the world

Friday, July 29, 2016

Poem#42 A Bolt Shot In The Head

Its time to be free; its time to spin; and triwl
I have the space to transform and be something new
Iam dizzy; I feel like iam fainting
My system is shuting down
I cant feel anything any more
Did I ever exist?
My eyes open
I see another bright future waiting for me
I run to it and go inside of it
and all I see is beauty

Poem#41 Green lights

Its flashing on the surface
Brightness surrounds it
The stop light keeps going from left and right
The cars that see it get confused; they don't know whether they should stop or go.
The cars just decide to not pay attention and keep going
 suddenly the green light is focused on the bright and you car
  its stares at its driver
  making the driver see its color
 and realize that it is more than just a light
  it keeps the earth protected from the bad
    and saves the universe

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Poem# 40 Acceptance

Deep now in a humans soul
There is a black dot.
A black dot that is deep and huge
Its surrounds our insides
Like oranges in a big tight circle
Holding on to each others hands
That black hole eventually explodes
And all that is left is pieces of it
The pieces have to learn have to reattach own or slowly disappear.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Poem#39 Fumed Face

Clear but visable
Hot but sweet
It doesn't burn
It doesn't bite
Its like air up to the sky
My nose can smell its power and control
No this fume is not wasted
But is extraordinary
Caming, deep and different
It makes me think about what it would be like to sit on fire and never get destroyed!

Friday, July 15, 2016

Poem#38 I Promise

I promise I won't hurry
I promise I won't look hurt
I promise that I would walk again
And take hold if myself again
The time has come for me to earse the yellow stain that I've created
And surprise myself with happiness
Butterflies are grown to forgive and love
And fly high to the mountain where we can rule the world

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Poem #37 You

No perfect here
Not scard to show and walk
My tongue speaks every truth
Iam flowing like a feather
Never landing
In the air
I wave my hands
And wiggle my legs
My shirt and shorts are like flying like a bird.
The air is still holding me
I think I might be headed to outer space
I got there
And sat on Planet Earth
Very welcoming Earth was nice and helpful
I will stay there
To continue my happiness

Poem # 36 Look Back

A summer soul is what we need
A place to go and be cool and chill
A place to decompose and set free
Feel the water on your skin and face and hair
Turn around and see beautiful nature
And have the wind come on your face for refreshment
This is a place were you can drink water and be satisfied.
A place were the heat is felt but one doesn't sweat
Because it has no time to
It is always on the move and runing
This place is heaven
Were the sky is white and cossy
A place that will never be empty

Friday, July 1, 2016

Poem# 34 Forgiveness

Empty space and surroundings
I have made my mistakes and over looked them
How many times can I be cruel to my self
My mouth speakes forgives
My heart has forgiven me
You forgiven me
But I am still lost in the battles emotions that don't let go
They destroy me inside and out
I can feel it physically
I will learn how to fight, live and move on!

Poem#33 Reflection

Your picture is like stain glass
Its with me where ever I go
Even a hurricane with its power can't earse it
The sun and the sky already know your image.
They say that is unique like DNA
A million of faces can't block its view
You are deep and pure like the streams we swim in
I can even can sing and memorize every feature of your face
I will make sure that it will last for ever and ever and always