Thursday, February 7, 2019

Empty Image

                             You are like a scrap, seen once it happens, but is gone once it heals.
                                       It leaves me wondering when you will come back.
                                oh scrap, I wish I had the pieces of you to put back on my skin.

                                 You show me that I am human full of cells and natural gifts,

                              Your like a broken face not recognizable, unseen or unheard of.

                               Oh scrap, it brings me so much pain to not feel you on my hand.

                         The image of you is falling apart in my head one by one like a undone puzzle.
                                                   I can see your pieces fade one by one

                                           like frosting on a cupcake, wanting more and more.

                             Scrapes come and go but for some reason I would like you to stay!

                                                    But your all ready to far gone.


Sunday, August 12, 2018

I give in to the pain

I admit you've won,
You got your trophy,
You want me to feel like I am living in the stove; bake at at 900 degrees. Let the steam come out of me. Does my body feel crisp and hot? Do I smell like a feast? Do I taste Good? I am waiting for an answer? How does it feel to see burn marks on my skin? Go ahead I am your roast beef; put that sauce on me. Eat away!! You deserve it.

Friday, March 9, 2018

You're too far Away

Sitting on chair wondering how fast loneliness kicks in.
Everyone in this place is so connected to each other and iam like the oil that has nothing to cook. They have the parts to make a whole sandwich that takes good.
The banana has someone to feed on.
But I am stuck with no one.
I used to have someone to talk to, but they are 10minutes away from me and the other one is 3 hours away.
It hurts
My body is full of chills that have no we're to go.
I miss my people.
But that's how life is.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

To My Learning Disability

I have known about you since 2014
I know your ghost that surrounds me day by day
You make my face shred into little pieces
I can see my flesh as every piece falls in front of me
So pink but so soft
You see i am a person
I go deep into a big ocean
then I come out as a shark
hoping to bite your heart
I rip your skin off with my teeth
Letting your blood dance into cold air
Letting it freeze alive
I stand in front you while you turn into to ice
But I laugh as you fade away
Ohh wait before you melt into the ground
don't forget your lunchbox
Enjoy your disgusting lunch
While I swim in your ashes

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Your Peom... Enjoy!

You are so powerful
You go through my skin like the wind
leaving every organ in my body alive and soft
My organs are like gold
When I touch them, my fingers leave there stain
of perfume and bleach.
And when my organs start to bleed replace them with new ones
That make sound and cheer
The way you do
Draw a mouth on my kidneys
so I can tell to never stop taking
Tell then you love them and that
You are there glass of wine in times of grief
Help me! Lets go!

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Always Crushing on the people I cant have

Wow.....  I get so lost in time
I mingle with my self hoping
to get your attention
but you keep on flipping the pages
cutting lemon on my head,
piece by piece while they melt on
my sculp.
I sip my tears like tea
because you are in it.
I chop my hands because they want
to be touched.
I take the bones out of my chest
so they dont crack when you dont hug me
My skin wants to wrinkle into yours to feel you
I want to breath on your forhead
My lips want to touch your eyes
so they can taste how sweet they are.
I want to taste your ash and know
that I was right... You are bueatiful.
like a golden coin

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Let them Have you

They can have your face
your presence
your fever even if its a 100 degrees
they can have your voice that talks through the hill
they can see you walking
they can see you breathing
you can be their clock
that renews every season
they can have your unlimited time
I bet its sweet
having your ghost around them
you her them
you see them
you help them through
every bump in the hill
you pick them up when they fall and break their heads
and sew it back together.
tell me how does that feel huh.. tell me?
but than they go into a coma because you just leave them behind
but its ok
they will wake up with just a little part of you